

This is a project for a digital booklet.

Curated and edited by women, the booklet FEM [TACTICAL ARCHIVES] BRZL aims to translate and give context to the visual cartography, suggesting a closer look into some of the practices and theories developed in Brazil around art, media and free technology networks.


Our main intention is to give updates on the history of Brazilian tactical media, based on the trajectory of women on these networks. On the visual cartography, we can navigate by different cultural productions, scenarios, and periods – four moments that apprehends an abundant production of books (documentations from actions, space for the exercise of theories), tags (networked conjurations of those, methodologies) as much as hundreds of encounters. It is a significative content to exchange to other languages, and rich on information nodes crossing interests through generations, which requests a chronological description, or even explanation, to emphasize some facts and patterns in our history.   A political preoccupation that indeed is not about the future, it is about the present.


It is research on artistic activism.

Since a lot of digital radical and local production is disappearing it is also a tactic to preserve it and promote the place of such a production in contemporary art and the internet. We have considered a methodology that accounts for the recuperation, memory, and materials of a broad set of works related to the arts, media and free technologies in the Brazilian context, developed in the last 20 years. The gathering of common projects and research knowledge has been updated by art exhibitions, production of articles, and participation at conferences.


Tactical Archives is based on the idea of intellectual generosity, a legacy that stands not only at the content, based on publications, but also as a political attitude that starts in a certain way in the beginning of the Brazilian internet (1996) and keeps following the changes in Brazilian political context. The cloud of concepts that these curatorship and literature bring concerns mainly with the dearchival and organizing of these historical and conceptual data.  We decided to bring this production in its visuality for the need to be able to see the power of this history, the power of this production, so that we could also create this space for navigation – in which more people who belong or do not belong to these networks, can project their own trajectory.


At the site http://midiatatica.desarquivo.org we can navigate by publications – books, thesis and magazines, freely licensed. At the visual cartographies, we signalize by a timeline the connection between texts, articles, and websites that have informed us the political context and the changes of technology that marked events, encounters, crossings between art and activism, as much as the institutional roads of the development of local networks. Four timeframes give a base to the context of the collaborative networks, pointing out events, political moments, public policies related to culture and digital culture, projects, festivals and so on, bringing to light over 40 publications that investigate practices and produce a theoretical reflection about Brazilian internet culture.


Having developed a first visualization of the cartography at the Lab Sesc Pompeia (São Paulo, 2018) we were invited to bring this work to Berlin for Radical Networks (2018), and Transmediale conference (2020). Although this research is very important to our history as researchers-archivists from Latin America, we understand that this material is not accessible outside of Brazil – for language issues but also as for the lack of context.


Our Needs
Content production: the first part of the work is identifying concepts, events, and books for  translation (subtitles), signaled by the Map (Diagrama – SESC Santos, 2019). Invite collaborators to produce articles related to the content.


Translation: The second stage is the translation of those from Portuguese to English, and hopefully more languages.


Design and digital version production: diagrammatic and assembly of the booklet for digital versions, published by I-motirõ,  our organization plus a Brazilian publishing house – http://www.imotiro.org/


Who we are
I-motirõ is a non-profit civil society association, founded in 2009 to promote actions to strengthen common goods, free technologies and the right to communication. Over the past few years, it has also established itself as a publisher focused on publications on Brazilian digital technologies and culture.


Cristina Thorstenberg Ribas is currently a Pos Doc researcher in PPGAV – Programa de Pós Graduação em Artes / Instituto de Artes, UFRGS, financed by CAPES/ Brazil. Develops projects in the interface of politics and aesthetics, militant research and radical pedagogy. Launched the open platform Desarquivo.org. In 2011. She is part of the network Red Conceptualismos del Sur. More: http://www.cristinaribas.org


Giseli Vasconcelos is an interdisciplinary artist and project manager from Brazil based in the US. She has been organizing festivals, workshops, exhibitions and publications mobilising the Brazilian scene of art and activism, designing collaborative processes developing tactical media and radical pedagogies related to internet culture. Presented in several places such as Quito/ LabSurLab, Amsterdam/N5M, New Delhi/Sarai, Vienna/MQ21, Berlin/Radical Networks, São Paulo, Rio and more. More: http://america.comumlab.org


Tatiana Wells is a researcher, tactical arts and free media events producer of festivals, workshops, publications and residencies in the interstices of critical art and grassroots media practices in Brazil. http://midiatatica.info Phd candidate in the University of Liverpool. Writes about Cyberfeminism and Low-tech media appropriations. Her personal blog devises about decolonial practices and theories http://baobavoador.noblogs.org Last but not least, she is also a vegan cook in the village of Pipa (Rio Grande do Norte).






Filha da diáspora colonial. Pesquisadora, escritora diletante, produtora de ações e eventos nos intersticios da arte, midia e tecnologias livres, festivais e laboratórios como Mídia Tática Brasil (2003), Submidialogia (2004-2010) e IP:// (Rio de Janeiro, 2004-2014) midiatatica.info. Tem interesse na história da net e apropriações midiáticas decoloniais como contação de histórias, rádio livre, mídia independente e cartografias feministas. Trabalhou dois anos como Implementadora Social junto ao Ministério das Comunicações ensinando software livre para educação em escolas públicas, comunidades indígenas, assentamentos e áreas rurais de todo o Brasil. Colaborou também com artistas em Arquivos Táticos (2019) – cartografia visual e laboratório feminista, e mimosa (2009) mídia móvel sociedade anônima – reciclagem de hardware e estética nômade. Tem como eixo de mundo a vila de Pipa no litoral potiguar. Atualmente co:laboradora junto ao projeto Nijra (fundo Ordinarus) e a associação cultural  imotiro e é candidata a Phd na Universidade de Liverpool com a pesquisa “Digitofagia SubXamânica: imersões em 20 anos de arquivos e práticas táticas no Brasil”. Neste blog sementeia solidariedade solid.noblogs.org.



Trabalha como artista, pesquisadora e não muito frequentemente como curadora. Concebe projetos entre estética e política, pesquisa militante e análise institucional, e mais recentemente feminismos. Tem pesquisado e criado a partir de ‘vocabulários políticos’, também a partir de jogos teatrais e improvisação. Concebeu a plataforma online Desarquivo.org para livre uso em 2011. Desde 2017 se engajou na pesquisa em forma de arquivo e cartografia Arquivos Táticos junto de Giseli Vasconcelos e Tatiana Wells <http://midiatatica.desarquivo.org/>. Faz parte da Red Conceptualismos del Sur desde 2008. Atualmente é pós-doutoranda no PPGAV Instituto de Artes da UFRGS (Bolsa CAPES PNPD). É PhD em Art no Goldsmiths College University of London com bolsa Capes Doutorado Pleno (2017), mestre em Artes Visuais no PPG do Instituto de Artes da UERJ, Rio de Janeiro (2008) e bacharel em Artes Visuais pelo Instituto de Artes da UFRGS (2004). Fez parte da ong Amigos da Terra Brasil entre 1997 e 2002, e ajudou na construção dos Fóruns Sociais Mundiais em Porto Alegre em 2001 e 2002, nos anos subsequentes engajou-se na realização dos Acampamentos da Juventude do FSM (2003 e 2005).


She is an interdisciplinary artist and project manager from Brazil based in US. She works in collaboration with Tatiana Wells and Cristina Ribas to develop a platform for the Tactical Archives. She has been organizing festivals, workshops, exhibitions and publications that discuss media and technology related to the Brazilian scene of art and activism. Most of the projects are collaborative process that highlights practices on tactical media and radical pedagogies related to internet culture. Her work has already been presented in Quito (LabSurLab), Amsterdam (N5M), New Delhi (Sarai), Vienna (MQ21), Berlin (Radical Networks), São Paulo (31st Biennial of São Paulo, Sesc Pompeia), Rio de Janeiro (Capacete, Lastro). http://midiatatica.desarquivo.org




Livretos Tricknology FEM TACTICAL ARCHIVES BRZL Antes, agora, por vir
Festivais/ Imersões Tecnoxamanismo MTB 20 anos Digitofagia Arquivos Táticos (Numun)

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